Saturday, September 28, 2013

Royal Order of Jesters - 1930s Past Director

This is a Past Director's Jewel from the Royal Order of Jesters.  
It belonged to a Mr. Hiatt B. Armstrong in 1939. 

This jewel depicts a Biliken holding a swastika and a question mark.  Now before you get all, whatever, the Jesters chose this representation before world war II.  Prior to that the swastika was a fairly universal good luck symbol.  Of course the nazis have ruined this symbol and it will never be acceptable to use it again.  But it was a symbol used in N. America, India, Cetlic art, Japan, pretty much everywhere. 

This jewel is 3" by 1.75" and weighs 25 grams.  It is 14k gold.
relative amount I paid for this - low
As of 2/9/14 the gold scrap value works out to about $593
However, none of these are for sale.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw this on my grandfather's medallion - kinda threw me for a loop, but his was from just after the war, before the Swastika really took on the full negative impact. It's sad how much joy was perverted by the Nazis to become an emblem of hate.
