Sunday, September 29, 2013

Knights of the Macabees - Past Commander - 1913

 This is a Past Commander Jewel - crafted by the Fred Stadtmiller Company in Brooklyn New York.  It belonged to John VonSee of Williamsburg Tent No. 49 and was given in 1913.

Sort of a rarity for this sort of jewel, is that it is still in the original jeweler's box.

The catch has an extra piece to lock it into place, and is hand made and riveted.
 I always enjoy the strange abbreviations.
 Nice work on a small scale.

I have not tested this one yet, but it could be 10k.  The oxidation patterns might be caused by the lower carat alloy that is created where the solder meets the pieces which are soldered together.  That would explain why it isn't oxidized evenly over the exposed surface.

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