Sunday, September 29, 2013

KOTM - Knights of the Maccabees - District Deputy 1906

 This a fairly rare jewel from the Knights of the Maccabees.  I say rare because this jewel belonged to the District Deputy Grand Commander.  Okay, so this is the area representative of the Grand Commander.

There are lots of Maccabees jewels out there, but most are tin and most have a celluloid center.  There are lots of them out there because each member had one.  In 1915 there were 331,756 members.  

There are very few like this one, because there were very few District Representatives.

The standard sort look like this:

Still interesting.  Notice how it has a hook for a badge of office, for when this member holds an office.

Here is a close up of the DGC medallion.  It tests as 14k.  But the rest of this tests all over the place, it is sort of a metal mutt.  Well, probably more like an upgraded rank and file medal.

The enameling is really good and in perfect shape.

This medal belonged to Mr Renee P. Kuntz.

Here are some of the marks on the back

And the whole back to see how it looks and is constructed.

Okay, so this jewel doesn't have a date, but I say 1906.  I am pretty sure that is close to the date because I found these articles about Mr. R.P. Kuntz:
7-19-1906  The Daily Notes – Canonsburg, PA

Renne P. Kuntz of Pittsburg, deputy for the Knights of Maccabees, is in town in the interest of the local lodge of that order.

8-28-1906   The Daily Notes – Canonsburg, PA
TO INITIATE NEW MEMBERS Maccabees Will Hold Interesting Exercises" Tomorrow Evening. Canonsburg tent, No. 74, Knight of the Maccabees, will initiate a class of ten candidates into the mysteries of the society tomorrow evening in their lodge room in I. O. O. F. hall. The crack Lafayette degree team, of Washington, will confer the degrees under the direction- of Degree Master Edward Shultz. Many visiting Sir Knights will be present, and after the initiatory ceremonies the members and visiting knights will be entertained and refreshments with be served. D. G.C., Renne P. Kuntz, of Pittsburg, has the work in charge.


So there you have it.  I'll write more about the Maccabees, their purpose and their strange Latin slogan when I post more Maccabees jewels.

This jewel is 4" by 2.5" and weighs 36 grams.  It is mixed 14kt, 10kt and what seems to be gold filled.
relative amount I paid for this - low
As of 2/9/14 the silver scrap value works out to about $145 (ish)
However, none of these are for sale.

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