Sunday, September 29, 2013

Past High Preist - Holy Royal Arch Chapter - 1926

Past High Priest -1926.  The office of High Priest is the head of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.  As awkward as that title is, considering that Freemasonry is not a religion, this office is called that in a historical context.  The symbolism of the Chapter has to do with the reconstruction of the Temple at Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.  Anyway, maybe I'll type more later.  Here is a link to a little discussion on the Holy Royal Arch, it's meaning and place in Masonry that I wrote for a different project.

This Jewel belonged to a Companion A.C. Abuchon of the Virginia Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Minnesota in 1926.

This jewel is 3" by 1.5" and weighs 27 grams.  It is14kt gold with stones.
relative amount I paid for this - medium
As of 2/9/14 the gold scrap value works out to about $641
However, none of these are for sale.

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