Sunday, September 29, 2013

Past Master - Naches WA - 1926 - yellow gold

This is a small jewel.  Possibly intended to be used as a Fob.  It was presented to WM L. J. Tuttle of Naches 211 in 1926.  Hopefully I can find a picture of Brother Tuttle.  I think his name was Leroy James Tuttle....

 It has a carved Moonstone face, for the Sun.

This is one of the first jewels I ever acquired, and I am thinking of giving it back to the lodge.  It is hard to give these things away.  But in a way I am just sort of the custodian - I don't really own these.  Like Indiana Jones said, "It belongs in a museum."

Anyway, Naches is very near where I live and I have been to the lodge several times.  

Here is a picture of what the inside of the lodge room looks like:

I like the Neon "G" a lot.  I am not in this picture, but I do know both of the men pictured.

 This was the first jewel I bought and the receipt was in December 2010.  That is roughly how long I have been at it.

This jewel is 1.25" by 1.2" and weighs 7 grams.  It is 14k gold.
relative amount I paid for this - low
As of 2/9/14 the gold scrap value works out to about $173.
However, none of these are for sale.

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