Friday, September 27, 2013

Royal Arch - Past High Priest - Franklin PA - 1942

This is a Past High Priest Jewel, missing the ribbon that once connected the three parts.

It was given to James Boyersmith of Franklin PA in 1942 by the Venango Chapter for his service as PHP.

I am confused by the construction, it seems to be plated over gilt and engraved.  But the bottom portion is plated on all sides and the two top pieces are seemingly plated only on the front.  I guess I am confused because plating is cheap and the effort to plat just the front wouldn't be worth it. 

I have not tested this jewel but it seems too light to be anything other than plate or maybe gold filled - in portions?

This jewel is " by " and weighs  grams.  It is sterling (?).

relative amount I paid for this - low

As of 3/3/14 the silver scrap value works out to about $

However, none of these are for sale.

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